The congregation of St. Paul's was formally organized in 1879. The first church was a frame building erected at No. 590 Gould Street. In 1891 the people of the Presbyterian and Congregationalist churches federated, using one building, one minister, and working together. They resolved to build a church large enough to allow the united congregations to worship as one. The cornerstone was laid in 1891. The church they built was this one. It continues to serve the people of St. Paul's and the Wiarton area today. (See A Brief History for more information.)
We are a friendly, caring community of people committed to J.O.Y. - Jesus, Others and You. Visitors are always welcome. Come! Be one with us on Sunday morning and enjoy fellowship over coffee in the Church Hall after the service.
Church Treasurer: Linda Lamont
Church Secretary: Holly Hathaway
Church Office Hours: Monday and Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon
(Telephone Answering Service is "on" when office is closed.)
The Kirk Session is the ruling body of the local church; it is comprised of Elders elected by the congregation and is responsible for all matters pertaining to the church and its people.
St. Paul's is supported by the regular givings of its congregation. We provide envelopes and/or monthly pre-arranged remittance (PAR) can be arranged.
Board of Managers
The Board is elected by the congregation to manages property, finances and personnel relations.
New members always welcome.
Flowers/Decorations Committee
A sub-committee of Session it arranges for flowers to be placed In the Sanctuary and seasonal decorating.
Pastoral Relations Committee
A sub committee of Session responsible for dealing with the care, concerns and issues of /or involving the Minister in a confidential manner.
Service Club
The Club provides luncheons, maintains the kitchen, gives to outreach, keeps contact with our shut-ins and provides many other services.
WMS - (Women's Missionary Society)
Studies and supports Missions at home and abroad.
Worship and Celebration Committee
A sub-committee of Session composed of members of the congregation; receives suggestions from Session and individuals, considers these and other ways of enhancing the Worship Service; makes recommendations to Session concerning their findings.
Welcome you at the door Sunday mornings.
Friendship Rose Team
Welcome you with a "Friendship Rose" and an invitation to coffee hour after the Service.
Scripture Readers
Read designated scriptures during service.
Collect and count offering.
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